Saint Columbanus, Elgin

Rev. Cyprian Ihedoro SMMM


Welcome to the St. Columbanus Parish website - we invite you to look around and get a feel for our church. Take a moment and listen to our choir. . If you're not currently a member of our church, we'd like to take this opportunity to invite you to one of our weekly services. And of course, feel free to call our Office with any questions or to register as a parishioner.

We hope you and your family will join us as we worship together.

We'd also like to invite you to make a prayer request. Your prayer request opens the door to God who is waiting patiently on the other side of that door, at all times, in all situations, to join with you. 

Many blessings to you. .

St. Columbanus Roof Fundraiser

Link to buy tickets eventbrite ticket sale

After due deliberation, the Parish Council has determined that the roofs of St. Columbanus Church and Hall must be replaced. The roofs will be replaced with metal roofing which is guaranteed to last 40 years. Trio Kuntry Services has done an excellent job replacing the hall roof.  However it is now becoming urgent that the Church roof be replaced, as the area that is leaking continues to increase. This, and other needed repairs necessitates a fundraiser to raise $100,000.   Donations currently amount to $41,325. Thank you so much to everyone who has made a donation.

A 25 foot sheet of metal roofing costs $100.  Parishioners are encouraged to donate enough to cover one or more sheets, however, the value of our donations, in the sight of the Lord, does not depend on their size, but on the generosity that inspires them. 

Donations can be made in the Sunday Offering, or via online e-transfers.  Donations should be clearly labelled "Roof Fund" and should include your envelope number.  If you do not have a number, be sure to include your name and address.  Donations can be made in the name of your loved ones.  

This parish has always responded generously to the needs of the Church.  I quote from Archbishop Francis J. Spence, referring to those who built this Church "Obviously the small group of parishioners was a faith-filled people who were dedicated to God and hopeful for the future."  Today we need to go forward with that same faith, dedication, and hope.  May we be as successful.